
Spotify Support to Discord!

Spotify Support to Discord!

Quite a popular voice group chat application, Discord, Spotify support came.
Those who are close to the game world probably know very well what Discord is. Discord, which is similar to TeamSpeak but is a free voice chat room setup application, has recently been quite well-received by Twitch support, especially by the gaming mosque. However, Discord continues to bring unique features to its users every day. 

According to Discord's announcement videos uploaded to Youtube channel, now Spotify support came to the application. Just as if you had the same Twitch account, if you match your Discord account with your Spotify account, your music on the Discord will be visible to your friends. With this feature you can share things like name, minute, and other information of the song, others will be able to listen to you on your profile with Spotify. 
Also, if you are a Spotify premium member, your other Discord friends (or your chosen room) will be able to broadcast music via Spotify if you own the server. All you need to do is to do the rest by selecting Spotify from the "Connections" section of Discord's "Settings" section. Then you can perform functions like music broadcast on the same tab again. What are you thinking? Is Spotify support good in Discord? 

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