
Wah! iPhone 8 Plus Bursting When Rechargeable Batteries

Apple on 22 September 2017 the duo has officially market the new iPhone, the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus in many countries, including Taiwan. They were waiting for the smartphone presence was willing to queue to get it.

Unfortunately, the bad news appeared in the Taiwan market. Some media there has been reported that one of the users are having serious problems associated with the explosion of iPhone 8 Plus recently purchased.

Reported, a woman named Wu of Taichung city has bought iPhone 8 plus variants of 64 GB. Wu buy the Apple smartphone blends on September 23, 2017 and variants of the selected color is Gold.


Initially, the iPhone 8 Plus is in the hands of Wu can operate normally until September 26, 2017. A day later, the smartphone suddenly explode when used. Mentioned, the iPhone is in the condition of the charger and the battery has reached 70 percent.

Wu also confirmed that the iPhone 8 Plus that was in his hand was charged using the default Apple original device. As a result of these unfortunate events, making the display panel and the body of the iPhone Plus apart.

iphone 8 explode

What causes the iPhone 8 Plus belongs to Wu could explode also not known with certainty. However, the device has now been sent to the Apple factory for further dilakukanpenyelidikan.

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  • 5 Differences 8 Plus iPhone with iPhone 7 Plus

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Is an interesting fact, Wu himself is one of the loyal iPhone users since the series iPhone 4 and during that time, he has never experienced anything like this. Meanwhile, the iPhone 8 Plus itself has been crowned the fastest smartphone and have the best cameras in the world today.

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