
10 New Features in iOS 11

Through the event Keynote WWDC 2017, Apple showed off some new technology. The technology includes a new computer device to the new operating system anyway. From a series of technology and updates are introduced, our thoughts immediately went to the IOS 11.

How come? Because IOS 11 not only provide updates on features ever, but also bring a variety of new features. For more details, following a detailed review of the existing features in IOS 11.

New look

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IOS 11 comes with significant changes in appearance, which is definitely more fresh and more modern than ever. The new display is also equipped with the new shortcut and control as well. Users can touch 3D Touch to access additional control.

Lockscreen and nontifikasi center also made a little bit different. Swipe the screen will display the lockscreen and notification. While swipe up the screen will display the widgets.

driving safety

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When driving we recommended not to use a smartphone in order to avoid things that are not diingkan. Therefore, Apple provides updates on the Do Not Disturb feature specific to the motorist.

Apple named Do Not distrub While Driving. If this feature is diaktfikan, the smartphone screen will be dark and all notifications will die. This feature can also send messages automatically in Favorites contact list to inform them that the user is driving.

File manager

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Apple also brings the file manager on iDevices. Yes, now the user can move any document simply by dragging and dropping on the split screen. In addition, Apple also provides online data management features such as Dropbox, Google Drive, onedrive, and of course iCloud Drive.

Siri smarter

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Siri is already used by 375 million people every month. Thus, one would expect that this feature is very important and frequently used. See these statistics, Apple continues to improve the performance and the performance of Siri. In addition to updating the design of Siri, Apple manages to make Siri smarter. This can happen because the technology support machine learning and artificial intelligence Apple embed.

Now users can select the gender of Siri, because it is available in two voices, that is the woman or man. Siri will continue to learn from the habits of users using certain words. And the words that were said to be stored and connected to iCloud.

Not stopping at that, the latest version of Siri is also smarter in terms of delivering the words of suggestion or advice. Siri learn from some of the frequently used applications such as Safari, News, Mail, Message. For example, Siri will provide advice on the name of the food when you are often looking for information on food in the Safari browser.


ios11 camera

As many as one billion photos captured by iDevices. Trend selfie, photography, and videography be the main trigger. Therefore, Apple provides an update on the camera side. One of them is to create a new format of images and videos. The format is named HEIF for HEVC format for image and video formats.

It is said that this format is able to compress the file into smaller size without compromising image quality or video there. Apple also promises that this format is compatible with social media or messenger today.

In addition, in order to beautify shots and shooting video, Apple includes a feature OIS (optical image stabilization), tone flash and photo-video editing features with cool effects. Recently, Apple also updated the Memories application, making them easier to use.

App Store

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Until now, the App Store has to handle 180 billion downloads of applications and has already paid approximately US $ 70 billion to developers. Figures were absolutely fantastic. On iOS 11, App Store has a new look. App Store is now divided into two parts, namely Apps and Games. In addition there are also tabs Today as a list of favorite applications and games within a certain time.

Air Play 2

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We know Apple is not too happy with the cable. That's why they invented AirPlay. In this latest update, AirPlay 2 supports multiroom audio features that can run any application, not just Apple Music. It also allows other users to change songs on the Apple TV or other device.

iMessage and Apple Pay

apple pay

In the US, Apple Pay is often used even now supported by 50 percent of retailers. On iOS 11, iMessage and Apple Pay into a single unit. Users can send money and receive money as easy as sending a message. But do not worry, this system is already protected specifically security and authentication Touch ID.

Thus, such as someone sending money to you via iMessage, money will automatically be entered into the ATM Apple Pay and then you can transfer the money to the bank account you have.

AR Kit

such kit ios11

At renewal time, Apple also brings a new feature called AR Kit. With the AR Kit, developers are given the freedom to create virtual content in the format of Augmented Reality. The development of Augmented Reality technology has the potential to give birth to applications and new games to the concept of a more interactive and real.


maps ios11

Last updates of lies in the Maps application. Apple managed to bring lane guidance feature or line supervisor, where this feature can show markers street, drive the speed limit, even showing the atmosphere and look of a room such as malls, airports, and other public places.

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