
Keep Quality, Destroy 23 Thousand Smartphone OPPO Hers

For the first time in the industry to do the destruction homeland smartphone device units are unfit for use. OPPO is the initiator of this initiative in order to maintain quality standards homemade smartphone so no smartphones unsuitable for sale.

Destruction event was held on Wednesday, May 17, 2017 in the area of ​​electronic waste processing PT. Prasadha Pamunah Industrial Waste in Bogor. There are about 23 thousand units of smartphone OPPO were destroyed gradually.

destruction smartphone oppo

A total of 23 thousand this smartphone is the collection during the four years since the OPPO is present in Indonesia, namely 2013 to 2016. As for the types of smartphones in it among OPPO A11, R5, Find 7, and the newest F1 Plus.

OPPO claiming the number 23 thousand units is not the worst when compared to production figures. This figure is less than one percent of the total smartphone manufactured by OPPO in Indonesia for a period of four years.

As for how to destroy that by soaking first in salt water for three days. This is done to eliminate the flow of electricity in it. Furthermore then crushed and buried in a special area.

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