
Apple: Wear iPhone and Other Smartphones Leave

Apple saw there was quite a lot of new iPhone users who are long-time users of Android. In order to attract more Android users to switch to the iPhone, Apple has recently released a new marketing campaign in the form of videos that have been uploaded to YouTube.

Through the marketing campaign, the message is clear. Apple wants to really encourage those who are still using Android, it's time to switch to an iPhone. This campaign was not kidding, Apple released five videos at a time.

Apple also has a new page on its website which is a focus for new users (www.apple.com/switch). Through the site, Apple wants to explain why life is easier to use the iPhone. Apple also assured that the move all the data from Android to iOS devices is easy.

In addition, Apple also boasted that the camera is pinned to the iPhone is the best in its class. About performance and security also can not be doubted. Even through the website, Apple insists that the iPhone until now have industry leading satisfaction levels.

Then, how the contents of the five latest campaign video made by Apple? Each video shown to focus on certain things, ranging from Privacy, Fast, up to Music. Each 15-second video is also working to illustrate how life in the universe Apple is more beautiful and friendly.

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